The Basics
Studio memberships are for experienced clay artists who are self-guided and want a fully equipped shared studio to create. You must have an intermediate knowledge of ceramics and be self-guided.
Learn the magical art of ceramics. Create and refine your skills. Grow and connect with others.
This shared creative environment is a safe space for creatives. It is a communal environment where we encourage exploration and connection. Everyone is required to take care of the studio, the tools and equipment and each other. Leave each area clean and ready for the next person. If you cannot do this, your membership will be cancelled.
THIS STUDIO IS NOT FOR PRODUCTION POTTERS- more that 25 pieces a month
As a small clay studio, the volume produced by working ceramicist would be very taxing on our staff and equipment.
We offer 3 levels of membership based on shelf space: Green Circle (2 shelves) Blue Square (4 shelves) and Black Diamond (6 shelves) that includes everything but clay.
Clay must be purchased in house. $40 for 25 pound bag & $25 for a 20 lb bag of Recycled Clay
We stock cove 6 Rocky Mountain Clay:
Dover & Dover Sand
Specked Buff (RMC & Laguna)
Specked Brown Trout
Firing fees are included in the price of clay. Purchase clay via Cash, Venmo @cbclaystudio, or on the website under supplies.
If you are interested in a membership, please email Luisa at and include your experience in ceramics.
Membership availability fluctuates.
Studio Hours
The Crested Butte Clay Studio is open from 6am-11pm, 7 days a week. Members will receive a keypad entry and can come and go as they like during open hours, except during class time. We share a google calendar so members know when classes are in session.
Communal Tools + Equipment
Studio members may use any communal tools, banding wheels, pottery wheels, slab roller, wedging tables, glazes, and more. You must clean equipment after use and wash, dry and return all tools to their bins.
A Shared Space
Members are expected to be respectful of the shared creative space and take ownership in keeping a clean and healthy work environment. Make sure to clean up your area. If you can not do this, your membership will be cancelled.
Members have designated shelf space to store their work in process as well as tools and small equipment.
Gallery Space
Members have the opportunity to sell their work in the gallery as well as participate in our winter and summer market with 75/25 split.
Limited member trades are available. Work off your monthly fees doing various studio jobs. Jobs include loading and unloading kiln, reclaiming clay, sanding kiln shelves, making glazes, weekly studio cleaning, and front desk hours.

Clay studio members have access to
9 Shimpo wheels
2 wedging tables
Shimpo slab roller
A North Star extruder
Banding wheels
Assorted Tools
2 Skutt 1227 electric kilns
25+ Cone 6 dipping glazes
Slips And Underglazes
Bisque and glaze firings
and more!
Additional Perks
Display space in the gallery (75/25 Split)
Space in our ceramic showcase and annual holiday sale
Member-only workshops throughout the year
20% off classes and workshops
connection with a fun and creative community of artists
Membership Options
Membership spaces are limited and require a 3 month minimum, with auto credit card renewal.
Annual memberships are preferred. 30 day notice is required for cancelled memberships
To be eligible for membership, one must have an intermediate level knowledge of ceramics, be self-guided, and undergo a detailed orientation on studio policies, equipment, and safety.
This studio is NOT for production potters or full time professional artists.
All membership applications will be reviewed by staff, prior to approval.
This is a space for the hobby artists and those who want to be creative and practice their craft in a communal environment up to a few days a week.
Membership does NOT include:
Clay (clay must be bought from CB Clay Studio- no outside clay bodies unless approved). You can purchase your clay here and it will be ready for you in studio.
Classes or workshops, but members do receive 20% off classes and workshops.
When classes are in session you may use the facility but be mindful of your noise and please do not take up a lot of space. If a class is full, it is best to avoid the studio during that class time. Classes take priority over the working tables and wheels when in session.
Occasionally, the studio will be booked for workshops or special events. On these occasions members may use the studio before or after the event, but not during.
Please download, print, sign, and return the Crested Butte Clay Studio Member Policies here.
$120/month for 2 shelves of 32” w x 14” d
Ideal for someone who makes smaller work, doesn’t have a lot of time but wants to use the studio to practice and gain skills with the average use of 1-2 days a week (up to appox. 6-12 hours a week). Your work must fit on your designated shelf space.
Must have prior experience in ceramics and be self sufficient in the studio.
Memberships require a 3 month commitment and a 30 day cancellation notice . Please see the members policy for full details.